Young Clayshot

347,348 TUTOR: Barbury Shooting School

Hosted at a local professional shooting school, this course caters for both beginners and shots that are more experienced. Taught in small groups, the course covers all aspects of safe gun handling before coaching and practice begins. By the end of the week, you will be shooting a wide variety of targets, including driven, crossing and going away targets. There will also be an opportunity to shoot a variety of fixed targets using .22 air rifles. The climax of the course will be a team flush competition on the final day.

Course Notes

For beginners, the course starts with straight forward targets to get everyone to a level of proficiency before moving on to more advanced targets as the week progresses. The team 'flush' that will be shot at the end of the week consists of groups of shooters shooting at a selection of 30 targets which are launched continuously. Each day will comprise of a 2 hour programme.

Barbury Shooting School have been teaching people to shoot for over 20 years. Appropriate size guns, cartridges and all safety equipment will be provided by the school.

Students will be taken by minibus to Barbury every morning and delivered back to the college.

What to wear:

Suitable outdoor clothing, including waterproofs in wet weather. Shoes must be flat soled e.g; trainers.

Course Tutor

Barbury Shooting School


Huw Stephen has owned Barbury Shooting School since May 2007 and has done much in that time to turn it into the well respected and award winning shooting ground that it is today. A passionate game and clay shot, he originally learnt to shoot as a youngster on his grandparent's farm in Wales. Since then he has honed his skills and is well known on the competitive clay circuit. His patient and calming approach make him an excellent coach and he is always popular with the young shots. When he's not shooting, Huw is a passionate supporter of the Welsh rugby team. He also enjoys playing a variety ofsports and eating spicy food!

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Summer School Dates for 2024

All courses run for 5 days

WK 1 8 Jul - 12 Jul

WK 2 15 Jul - 19 Jul

WK 3 22 Jul - 26 Jul

WK 4 29 Jul - 2 Aug

Morning Courses

9.15AM to 12.15PM

Afternoon Courses

1.45PM to 4.30PM

All Day Courses

9.15AM to 4.30PM