Using Herbs for Healing

248 TUTOR: Sarah Williams


This course will show you how to identify common medicinal herbs and the different forms in which they can be used. It will give you the confidence to use these amazing plants for yourself, friends and family. The tutor who is an experienced Medical Herbalist will take you on a journey to discover which herbs to use for a variety of common ailments such as colds and flu, digestive problems, insomnia, stress, anxiety and perimenopause. You will learn how to mix teas and be shown how to make herbal preparations such as tinctures, syrups, infused oils and creams.

Course Notes

All your senses will come into play whilst working with the herbs demonstrating how they have been used for hundreds of years. This will be a journey through herbal medicine, exploring the most effective ways of utilising herbs, using all the senses:

Sight - During a herb walk learn to identify the herbs that grow around Marlborough College and discover some of the history and mythology that surround these plants.

Taste a variety of herbs in the form of tinctures, teas and powders and understand how taste can give clues as to their medicinal constituents and how they affect the human body physiologically, mentally and energetically.

Touch - explore herbs from a tactile point of view

Smell -Discover how aromas affect the physical body and psyche; how essential oils can be used medicinally and made into creams together with other medicinal herbs and infused oils

Find out where herbs can be obtained from, tips on how to grow them yourself, how they are harvested, dried and then used correctly.

Gain an understanding of the actions of herbs and how they work. This knowledge will then be applied to the use of herbs for the different systems of the body. Time will be spent learning how to make tinctures, infusions, powders, creams, infused oils, lotions, and syrups using herbs and essential oils.


Course Tutor

Sarah Williams

About Sarah

Sarah studied herbal medicine for four years at The College of Herbal Medicine and has practised for the last 25 years in Zimbabwe, New Zealand and the UK. In Zimbabwe Sarah had her own company and grew her own organic herbs and made capsules, tinctures, creams and teas.She also worked with the University of Zimbabwe researching the medicinal properties of local African herbs and teaching a course on herbal medicine.

Sarah studied Ayurveda with the European Institute of Vedic Studies and completed an internship with Dr. Rao in Pune, India. She has lectured in both herbal medicine and Ayurveda at the College of Naturopathic medicine in London for the past ten years. Functional medicine is another subject which Sarah has studied and is fascinated at how cutting edge research in modern medicine correlates with Ayurveda suggesting that it is as relevant now as it was thousands of years ago.

At the present time Sarah has practice both herbal medicine, functional medicine and ayurvedic medicine at Neals Yard remedies in Salisbury and the Healthy Life Company in Devizes

Ayurveda and herbal medicine is her passion in life and through them she has met many fascinating people and has been to many exciting places. Sarah has travelled to India every year in order to renew her relationship with Ayurveda and to take time out to meditate.

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WK 2 15 Jul - 19 Jul

WK 3 22 Jul - 26 Jul

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