Qigong for Health and Wellbeing

232 TUTOR: Emma Comfort

Qigong is ancient practice from the Far East - particularly Japan and China. It combines slow gentle movements with the breath and with intention so that we stretch and strengthen our physical bodies, learn to breathe more deeply and slowly and calm and relax our minds and thoughts.

This course will introduce you to this wonderful form of exercise. Each day we will practice different movements and techniques as well as learning a sequence of 18 moves (known as Shibashi 1 - or the 18 Stance Tai Chi Qi Gong), so that by the end of the week you will have a good grounding in Qigong and a daily routine to practice at home. There will be a relaxation period at the end of each session.

The course is suitable for most levels of fitness. Most of the exercises are done standing up, but can be adapted to sitting if needed. If you have one, please bring a yoga mat with you.


Course Notes

The literal translation of QIGONG means "to work or play with your lifeforce”. In the East this is an important part of staying healthy and fit - and is practiced by many thousands in China and Japan, often in local parks and open spaces. QiGong is formed of sequences of movements and postures that stretch the body, strengthen our muscles, deepen our breath and calm the mind. Practising QiGong is self-empowering and fortifying for body, mind and spirit, and yet is very simple and gentle to do.

You don't need to bring anything to the classes, but do wear loose comfortable clothing that is easy to move about in. Most of the exercises are performed standing, but can be adapted to sitting if required.

Emma has been teaching QiGong for about 10 years having trained with the late Chris Jarmey. She regularly teaches classes in Wiltshire as well as offering shiatsu and aromatherapy, and is a Complementary Therapist for the charity Julia's House in Wiltshire. Although she is passionate about the benefits of QiGong she teaches in a gentle way with humour and respect.

Course Tutor

Emma Comfort

About Emma

Emma has been teaching Qi Gong for about eight years. She is a shiatsu practitioner an aroma therapist and nutritionist and her work is her vocation. She teaches with encouragement and humour and believes everyone will benefit enormously from a daily 10-15 minute practice.

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All courses run for 5 days

WK 1 8 Jul - 12 Jul

WK 2 15 Jul - 19 Jul

WK 3 22 Jul - 26 Jul

WK 4 29 Jul - 2 Aug

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9.15AM to 12.15PM

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1.45PM to 4.30PM

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