An Introduction to the Arts and Crafts Movement

180 TUTOR: Perry Staker

Mention the Arts and Crafts Movement and most people automatically think of William Morris wallpaper and fabric. However, it encompassed so much more. From architecture to metalwork, furniture to embroidery and stained glass to jewellery, this course will take a wide-ranging look at a movement that sought to establish a society in which creative freedom was the right of all. Alongside a detailed look at many aspects of the Arts and Crafts Movement, you will consider the motivation and ideology of its leading pioneers, the creation of art schools and craft workshops and the revival of rural crafts.


Course Notes


The Theory, Philosophyand Social Background of the Movement

The Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society

The Pioneers - including



·Burne Jones



The position and function of women within the Movement

·The Angel in the House

·Working-class women and the rural crafts revival

·Lady Philanthropists.

·Working gentlewomen

·The Arts and Crafts elite

The Red House

Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co.

Morris & Co.

The Kelmscott Press

The creation of Art Schools, Craft Workshops, Guilds and Societies

Arts and Crafts - including:

·Architects and architecture

·Stained glass




·Textiles - embroidery, tapestry, fabrics and carpets

·Books, bookbinding and illustrations


·Pottery and ceramics


Women's Aesthetic and Arts and Crafts dress

Places to visit

The course will include a visit to Kelmscott Manor in Oxfordshire which William Morris described as a 'Heaven on Earth' and which inspired many of his most important designs and writings, as well as influencing his ideas on conservation for both the built and natural environments. The visit will conclude with a cream tea in the Manor's nearby tearoom.



Course Tutor

Perry Staker

About Perry

After studying costume making and cutting at Wimbledon School of Art Perry worked for some years in the film/ theatre costume industry before ending up in the Civil Service by accident. Following her retirement from the Civil Service she occasionally works for her first employer making costumes for TV and films.

Interested in history from an early age Perry developed an interest in seventeenth century food and recipes during the 29 years she has spent as a member of the English Civil War Society.

In recent years she has widened her interest and research to include the food and recipes of other periods of history.

In 2018 she was invited to take on the role of the Victorian Cook in the BBC2 series 'The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts' shown in January 2019 and this triggered her developing interest in the Arts and Crafts Movement.

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Summer School Dates for 2024

All courses run for 5 days

WK 1 8 Jul - 12 Jul

WK 2 15 Jul - 19 Jul

WK 3 22 Jul - 26 Jul

WK 4 29 Jul - 2 Aug

Morning Courses

9.15AM to 12.15PM

Afternoon Courses

1.45PM to 4.30PM

All Day Courses

9.15AM to 4.30PM