Ipad for Artists

68 TUTOR: Martin Beek (BA Hons)

This course is for absolute beginners in iPad drawing and painting. It aims to get you familiar with the technical details of the iPad, leaving you free to be highly creative and imaginative with this exciting artistic tool. A lack of any good art manuals has made it difficult for artists to get started. Aimed primarily at those already using traditional tools in mainstream art, this course will encourage you to incorporate this piece of modern technology into your everyday hobby. Please bring your own iPad, charger and stylus and download the app Procreate prior to the course.

Course Notes

The iPad will never replace actual painting but it is a useful and exciting tool for creative people and I really think it can enhance the artistic process for regular painters.

It has the advantage of being a whole studio in one place. There is a choice of tools, different size brushes and amazing range of colours all at the touch of a finger or stylus.

We will have no difficulty filling the week with some interesting exercises. At the end of the course I am confident you will know enough to make your exciting pictures at home.



We will look at the basic functions of the iPad and introduce to the class to the app Procreate. This will include both colour and tool selection. I have decided that is better to focus on one app. To learn all the basic functions thoroughly, rather than looking at a different app every day. On Friday we will look at what other apps offer.

At the end of the session you can send an image to the printer and it will be printed right away.


We will look further into the Procreate app and examine some of the presets. We will look at all the possibilities these offer. At the end of the session we will draw and paint a small vase of flowers and print off the image.


We will look at the paper choices available within Procreate and also examine in detail the main menu. After coffee, we will go out into the college grounds to draw a landscape.


We will look at Photos and their creative uses with the iPad, looking at filters and cropping, we will make a photomontage and after coffee look at the use of layers.


We will cover any outstanding issues, looking at the use of markup to add lettering to your photos and also have a brief look at some other art apps. 


You must bring your own iPad and stylus, you do not need the very expensive stylus from Apple. A simple one bought from the Internet costing no more than 5 pounds is sufficient at this stage.

The Procreate app must be downloaded. Do not forget to bring your charger.

Apps do change so keep your eye on your emails also I will inform summer school office if there are any changes and they will inform you.

The college will provide as part of the course, paper to print on and the ability to send your image to a printer and print it immediately.

I look forward very much to guiding you through the exciting and creative process of getting you to know your iPad.

Course Tutor

Martin Beek

BA Hons

About Martin

 Martin has worked as an artist both here in U.K. and also for many years in U.S.A. He has taught digital and iPad art at The Ashmolean and other educational settings in Oxfordshire. Whilst his own work spans a wide range of media, he is passionate about exploring the possibilities of technology in personal creativity. Martin frequently exhibits his own work as well as organising group exhibitions and networking with others. Martin's work is widely available to view on social media. He also lectures on nineteenth century art history. He is currently based in Oxford.

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All courses run for 5 days

WK 1 8 Jul - 12 Jul

WK 2 15 Jul - 19 Jul

WK 3 22 Jul - 26 Jul

WK 4 29 Jul - 2 Aug

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9.15AM to 12.15PM

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1.45PM to 4.30PM

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