Multi-Coloured Jigsaw Lino Print: Landscapes

65 TUTOR: Bronte Adam (BA Hons)

Learn the basic and technical skills to create a multi coloured lino print using the jigsaw method of separating colours within one block. Students will be guided through designing, cutting, block separation, mixing coloured inks and printing to execute their own unique print. The course is aimed at giving students freedom of creativity, whilst understanding the limitations in order to achieve their desired final art prints. No experience is necessary but some basic knowledge would be beneficial. Lino printing is a hand-crafted process and requires some strength in the hands.

Course Notes

The course will begin with discussing the possibilities of this technique and looking at different prints to understand how to proceed with ones' own print. This is followed by discussing individual's projects and what can be achieved. This will give each student a good understanding of how to proceed with designing their print.

Students will go on to sketch up their desired designs, with plenty of guidance throughout this stage. It is important to get the designs right to aid in the printing process. Once designed, the images are transferred onto the lino blocks ready to carve.

Lino Carving

Various cutting techniques will be taught to achieve the desired textures and effects within the lino block. Carving is a slow process and students will be encouraged to take their time and focus on the details. Once carved, the blocks will be cut apart into pieces.


Mixing inks to achieve the desired colour pallet can be almost as satisfying as the printing itself. The inks used are oil based and this stage tends to be pretty messy, so old clothes are advised. If students would prefer to protect their hands, plastic gloves will be provided. Ink can be removed with sunflower oil combined with basic hand soap.

The blocks will be inked up, assembled and the prints revealed. This is the most exciting part of the course, because it has taken a lot of planning and hard work to get to this stage. Students are able to experiment with colour and blending multiple colours to create dynamic and bold prints.

While this course is rather challenging; fantastic prints have been achieved previously across all skill levels. There is help and advice throughout the course at every stage. With minimum equipment, students are able to take away skills and knowledge to continue this practice from their own home.

Materials and tools

All tools and materials will be provided. Final prints and carved inking blocks can be taken home along with an extensive list of the materials and tools used during the course.


Students should bring

Old cloths or aprons for the printing stage of the course

Some imagery and a rough idea of what you would like to create is beneficial.


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Summer School Dates for 2024

All courses run for 5 days

WK 1 8 Jul - 12 Jul

WK 2 15 Jul - 19 Jul

WK 3 22 Jul - 26 Jul

WK 4 29 Jul - 2 Aug

Morning Courses

9.15AM to 12.15PM

Afternoon Courses

1.45PM to 4.30PM

All Day Courses

9.15AM to 4.30PM