7th July - 3rd August 2024
Adult Courses
64 TUTOR: Hannah Cantellow (BA Hons Fine Art)
Collagraph is a fascinating technique within the realm of printmaking. You'll explore a range of materials that you can use to create exciting and unusual printing plates. The process is essentially a form of printed collage, from the Greek 'colla' meaning glue and 'graph' meaning to draw.You'll learn how to create original printing plates by adhering various materials to a flat surface. These materials can include textured items like fabric, paper, string, sandpaper, and even found objects like leaves or feathers. Hannah will teach you experimental approaches that can achieve various textures, tones, and effects by manipulating the materials on the plate. As well as inking and printing your collagraph plates with the use of an intaglio etching press. This technique encourages experimentation and often results in highly tactile and visually interesting prints.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Brian Anderson has been a lecturer and course tutor at the Summer School...
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