Horses in Oil Painting
61 TUTOR: Helen Greene (BA Hons)
In this workshop you will be using oil to paint horses or another
animal of your choice in a still study or in movement. We will use photographs
for inspiration and practise a loose free style. There will be a strong focus
on colour mixing and the use of colour and I will aim to give you confidence in
your approach and promote individuality of style. All reference material will
be provided, and this course is suitable for all artists although some
experience would be desirable. Most
materials will be provided.
Day One
·Starting the day looking at
equine/animal artists' work and group discussion
·A practise of quick drawings of horses
in oil or pencil/charcoal.
·Oil sketches of possible compositions
on paper planning colour and tone
Day Two
·Colour Mixing and Colour theory,
practising mixing colours
·Oil sketches in oil using big brushes
to develop confidence.
Day Three
·Looking at anatomy and then painting
onto canvas/ board one small painting, working quickly. Followed by choosing
one composition for a larger canvas/board.
Day Four
·Painting on canvas being bold and
without overworking our studies.
Day Five
·Finalising work and Group Discussion.
This course is suitable for any artist with a
love of animals. I will help you expose your connection/feelings with your
chosen animal and to gain a greater understanding of anatomy and movement.